Higher Off The Ground

12:22 a.m.

Un post simple para un look simple.  Como cuando hace frio y solo quieres estar abrigada y comoda, nada de tacos ni de cosas ajustadas.  Solo tu en un dia regular...siendo tu misma, espero les guste tanto como a mi!

A simple post for a simple outfit.  Just like when you are feeling cold and you wanna be warm and comfy, no high heels or tight stuff.  Just you on a regular day...well being yourself, i hope you love it as much as i do 

En la ultima foto me siento bieeeeen posera pero me dio risa y queria compartirla con ustedes ji
La verdad que el frio de los ultimos dias me tiene toda tranqui, cual oso hibernando  Prometo volver con las locuras y las fotos en el aire y mas!! Promesa de miercoles de media noche :) 
Que les parecio?! Esas zapatillas son la comodidad hecha calzado, se viene un post de eso tb!
Que tengan un lindo miercoles!!
I feel like such a poser on the last photo but it made me laugh so i wanted to share it with you.
This cold is making me feel like i'm hibernating but i promise i will go back with all the crazy jumping photos i adore to do and much more!!! Midnight wednesday promise :)
Whatcha think of the outfit? by the way this snickers are like comfort in your feet, i will do a post about it too
Have an awesome wednesday!

Chompa/sweater: caminos del inca
correa/belt: ayacucho
pantalon/pants: machine
cartera/bag: vintage 
zapatillas/snickers: Yupi Zapatillas

Un besoooo


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