Could you be the Devil? Could you be an Angel?

1:00 p.m.

Ando un poco obsesionada con la cancion ET de Katy Perry, me parece una cancion tan sexy tan llamativa, me provoca saltar y bailar todo el rato!! Asi que pido por favor imaginensela como cancion de fondo para este post, porque maso menos asi se dieron las fotos...

I've been obssessed with this song by Katy Perry (ET)
It seems like such a sexy song, it makes me wanna get up and dance all day long.  So i please ask you to imagine that song as a background when you go thru the photos, since they pretty much were taken with that song ringing in my head...

Este fue otro intento mio de usar mi pantalon rojo, el color de por si es tan fuerte que es casi imposible no hacerlo llamativo, asi que tengo que ver una forma de contrastarlo (me seria imposible hacer un color blocking aqui), no le puedo quitar el papel protagonico. Bueno que opinan?

Por ahi que habian algunos que me miraban raro pero meh, hay que aprender a vivir con nuestras desiciones jaja (asi sean de ropa) y creo que siempre y cuando uno este comodo y no peque de exhibicionista todo bien no?

This was another try of mine to mix my red pants, they are SO bright! It's impossible not to call attention with that on so i constantly have to try and make a subtle contrast (i can't do color blocking here) What do you think?

There were some people watching me funny but meh, i will have to learn how to live with my choices jaja (even if it clothing ones) and i do think that it's all good when you are comfy and not showing off everything, right?

Buen fin de semana!!!! aaa amo los V I E R N E S 

Polo: Basement
Saco: Axxs
Pantalon: Vintage
Ballerinas: Ecco

Un abrazo


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