The Sun is Out!!!
12:21 p.m.
Salio el sol!!! Y ya empieza la primavera/verano...por no decir que debio empezar hace un mes
Asi que chicos, a remangarse los pantalones y usar mocasines!! Y chicas, a sacar la "flower girl" que llevamos dentro y ponernos nuestra ropa primaveral, bienvenidos sean los shorts!!!
Tengan un lindo fin "largo" (para las/os suertudos)
The sun is out!!! So finally spring is starting...not to say it should have a month ago
Soooo boys: start wearing shorts and slip ons!!! And girls, let's take out the "flower girl" we have inside and start wearing our spring clothes, welcome shorts and light blouses!!!
Have and awesome holiday weekend!!
Un besitoooo
5 words of wisdom