It's All in the Little Things

10:55 p.m.

Resumen de detalles y momentos del LIF Week vividos a lo largo de los dias!
Mis detalles favoritos?? Ese arete-pendiente de ave me trae loca! Y la ropa que tiene la lindisima de Alia Bustamante tambien! De ensueño para cualquiera, y como no si sus zapatos son YSL, su clutch, privat,, sus pulseras Marc Jacobs y los anillos reales de YSL!!! Dream clothes!
Bueno que opinan?! Con esto ya cierra LIF Week, el resto de fotos las cuelgo en el fan page del blog!

A little review of all the crazyness that this LIF Week was
My favorite details?! That pendant-ring of a peacock is making me wanna look for one!!! Oh and the clothes the lovely Alia Bustamante has is to die for! How could it not be if she is wearing YSL limited edition pumps, Pivat clutch, Marc Jacobs and OH MY GOD the true YSL rings!! Dream clothes!!!
And well what do you think?! Whit this i close the LIF Week posts, the rest of the photos can be found in the facebook fan page!

Muak muak

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